7 Powerful Spirit Surgery Healings
From Creator Light Beings.

7 x Auric Healings From Creator Being Spirit Masters

If you are seeking solid and FASTER growth on a soul level, Alicia Power presents a select package of Creator-Light Akashic Surgery Sessions - for building your SOUL CAPACITY higher.


This package of powerful spirit surgeries…

  • Initiates you into Higher Vibration by upgrading and rewiring your auric light-waves
  • Opens doors for you into higher Parallel Reality Streams that present better life opportunities
  • Takes you to heaven
  • Forgives your soul wounds
  • Gives you core strength
  • Shifts your SOUL HIGHER


With Master Healer Alicia Power

After 30 years of auric healing training directly from Senior Spirit Mentors, Alicia brings a depth of power and acceleration to each session.  Her Spirit Mentors arrive to guide you within your personal moment with them.

Each healing will REWIRE YOUR CONSCIOUS MIND. So that it CHOOSES more accurately to achieve SOUL fulfillment.




If you'd like to be more public with your Soul Gift, this deep soul healing is critical.

Surgical Transmutation of Past Life Trauma. 

Many of us have been in roles of power in past lives - and even today we can feel the devastating legacy of failure in these roles. (I'm not kidding.)
Or, we experience debilitating on-going pain-filled themes that can repeat over many human lifetimes – and unfortunately can still be part of our psychology today.  
In this potent healing you will be guided by Spirit Technicians to FEEL a memory deep inside your heart, that speaks to a more powerful you, a fearless you.
You will be taken over the threshold into a new empowered force inside of you.
And here... you will begin to adjust to new feelings of empowerment – above hesitation and doubt, about your deep commitment to soul serve in this lifetime.
33 min Spirit Energized Recording



A Powerful Healing... 39 mins of WATCHING your Guide REACH IN to your being and REWIRE YOUR FEAR OF NOT BEING LOVED... (often the root cause of our lack of self love). 


This healing is for you if you LONG to FEEL SAFER IN YOUR HEART - that you are loved and are loveable. WE ALL NEED THIS ONE!


After my 30 years of partnering with Senior Spirit Tutors, these healing sessions are super deep and exponential in the speed of YOUR consciousness re-patterning.

Most of us have experienced childhoods where our soul-level need to feel loved felt inadequate.
And as an Advanced Auric Healer I know most of us have had previous soul-existences that have left us deeply wounded at our core.
During this session, my accelerated Senior Spirit Tutors will scan your unique soul history.
They will then gently reach into these deep wounds and rewire them, permanently.
Regularly experiencing such accelerated auric-rewiring builds a real inner strength and empowerment. A sense of calm, certainty and Self Love.

39 Min Spirit Energized Recording



When The World Weighs On Your Heart



An Angelic Reprieve



Experience an extraordinary Surgical Transmutation of what is WEIGHING ON YOUR HEART.  

We soak up fear from the news, OR life can just feel too hard!
Lately global as well as personal issues have been difficult to ignore.
As a human family we FEEL disharmony acutely. We may FEEL uncertain and restless - and fearful. Or - maybe just plain angry that shadow is toying with us through the media or other people. 
I've been guided to offer this beautiful TIMELY HEALING -for ALL of us!
I feel we ALL have been working hard recently to stay in equilibrium -to stay in our fearlessness.
To stay in love and joy!
Life can SO catch us by surprise, where we may find ourselves giving and giving, then feel depleted.
Or world events can seem beyond our control and fearful. Or we simply become weary of working hard, staying calm and only just managing our lives that can feel ON THE EDGE of chaos.
SOOOO – in this superb Spirit Surgery session with my Creator Being Technicians, let's DIVE IN to glorious love, super high spirit light, and real HEALING OF OUR HEARTS.


42 Min Spirit Energized Recording






The 'way you think about yourself' will be rewired! 

SO that you feel differently about YOURSELF.

SO THAT your life shows up differently.

Out of this world powerful.


Would YOU love some spirit help to be your best, higher version of yourself?

I'm saying this BECAUSE my spirit healer guides (super high authority beings) can REWIRE your subconscious - SO that YOU think differently
SO that YOU meet your challenges, your new projects, your hope for a 'higher you' -with a deeper power.
We ALL want our present and our futures to meet our highest expectations. We want the world to be kinder - to be more compassionate. We want humanity to be more intelligent with its choices. And - we want OUR lives to be happier.
We know that happiness comes from inner equilibrium and contribution… When you help an elderly lady across a street, when you speak from your heart to change lives, when you call your friend who feels alone – such simple actions give YOU happiness.
In this wonderful Spirit Surgery and rewiring, my spirit tutors provide a deep healing to CHANGE THE FOUNDATION of your consciousness.


45 min Spirit Energized Recording.






A Potent Moment With Your Guide...

I'll guide you into a deep beyond-time 'prayer moment'

- where you are surrounded by Creator Being High Authority Spirit Beings that love and care for you.

You WILL be heard & this moment WILL change your life.

My spirit tutors initiated this powerful healing event for you!
They are very clear that this is NOT a 'how to' training, but rather a REAL, powerful, deep MOMENT they want to provide for you.

This will be a PURE experience for you.
Simply a deep dive into source-energy, to create a POWERFUL MOMENT with you and your guides. 

So that they HEAR YOUR PRAYER - effectively.

And here's why:
Your spirit mentors rely on your STATE to hear you effectively!
THAT is why they are offering this 'tuned up' accelerated experience FOR YOU.
This is your opportunity.

43 min Spirit Energized Recording.




My Senior Spirit Tutors gave me this powerful message:

"We can't wait any longer. We WANT to move as many people forward in their soul evolution as possible."

In this powerful session there will be moments of stillness where the spirit technicians work deep in your aura... 
This session will re-pattern your CORE SOUL wounds.


Over 30 years observing 'soul bodies' and auras I've witnessed there are nearly unlimited spirit LAYERS of YOU. Lower layers and higher layers to your aura.
Only extremely High Authority Light Mentors are allowed to touch, or access normally out-of-bounds sections of those layers: which include certain private files of your Akashic Records.
The Creator Spirit Beings I've worked with for decades, use the term 'Soul Core' to describe layers of your soul energy body that formed near the very earliest moments when your soul was 'birthing' - way way way before it ever started any HUMAN INCARNATIONS.
This true CORE soul layer will be scanned, healed and strengthened. 
It's the bedrock of YOU.


 54 min Spirit Energized Recording





An initiation TO HOLD LOVE AS A CONSTANT STATE - creating a path to CALM.

This initiation is a Blessed COMMITMENT TO YOU – a Sacred Gift From Creator Beings Of Love.
They will literally PICK YOU UP and place you on a new inner platform of stability. INSIDE. 

Have you ever longed to hold your state above your fear thoughts?

Have you ever hoped you could stay in calm inner stillness beyond some of your deepest fears?

The profound 'Spirit Power' of high authority spirit beings, rewires you at a depth no human can access.


In this 52min fast paced training and healing you will FEEL these beings opening your psychic heart, healing fear and placing you on a path of calm.


We ALL need this. Life IS challenging... and having a buffer and safety net inside us takes the edge off daily anxiety.

And keeps us in a state of LOVE and CALM.

Alicia personally attests to this long term result in her life...

She says she knows it is ONLY the deep commitment of her spirit helpers to hold her in love and ease, that moves her gently through her days. 

In this session you will experience:

  • Strengthening to get to BUOYANCY

  • Skill-building

  • Healing and clearing

  • Partnering Initiation with Alicia's Senior Spirit Mentors

  • Discover simple daily tools

  • A Life-changing commitment from Spirit

Enjoy this truly once in a lifetime SPIRIT INITIATION... you will be loved, and healed, deeply. 


52 min Spirit Energized Recording


Master Energy Healer and Spirit Telepath, Alicia Power has been trained directly by Creator Level Spirit Being Mentors for 30 years. These intense decades of partnerships at senior levels of spirit means she has been initiated into ‘high spiritual authority’ to activate fast change to a person’s soul direction, soul wound history, and spiritual leadership.

These decades of training at senior spirit levels have given Alicia a forensic knowledge of auric techniques, and an awareness of how senior authority spirit mentors evolve a soul under their care.


“Alicia, Thank you so much for this. I was touched to tears. Love”

~ L.B.

“Thank you Alicia! I am feeling the power of your work and am very excited to have tools for precision in working with the spirit world available to me. I had recently been asking for the highest level energy beings to work with me and that is when I discovered you…no accident. My soul loves this work.”

~ B.G.

“Thank you dearest Alicia….. Your recordings clarify a lot of information that is not readily available. And your sincerity to help and integrity shines through!”

~ R.J.

“This is beautiful, powerful and so very practical all presented with grace, joy and love! Thank you, Alicia, for your loving soul!”

~ J.F.

“Thank you Alicia, I am sad to be at the end of this audio course with you. You have been in my pocket every day. It has been amazing in so many ways! I have been able to access deep inside of me. I am so grateful for all your teachings – and now onto the next course! So GREAT and excited !! Thank you for sharing all of you with us. You have a huge purpose and are doing it so well. I am blessed to have you in my life and trust someday we will meet in person.
Love always, xo”

~ P.N.

“Alicia, I’m in love with you and your Spirit Tutor’s work. Magical things have happened, since I began listening to your mp3’s. Very exciting!”

~ S.B.

Can't Wait To See You In There...

$200 Value - SPECIAL OFFER NOW ONLY $127 (**3 payment option available below)


** We do offer a 3-pay option of US $42.34 per month: CLICK HERE.

Alicia's 30+ years training with CEO-level Spirit Tutors is unique. This supports your accelerated life fulfillment as YOU connect with your own High Authority Spirit Mentor.


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